Sunday, 31 May 2009

Yakuza Girl with Mysterious Body Paint Design

Yakuza girl body paint designs

Temporary Tattoo with Big Black Fish Design

black fish temporary tattoo

Samurai with Snake Tattoo Art Design

Japanese tattoo design

Girl Showing


Crazy looking tattoo

Nice tattoo

Nice Tattoo

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Tattoo Artist Kat Von D

tattoo artist

Tribal Tattoo

Tattoo Thailand comment

Heart Tattoo


Spider tattoos

Friday, 29 May 2009




Tribal Chest Tattoo

Girl with tattoo

Hoot Wave

This awesome little owl, submitted by Cassidy, was inspired by this very blog! After seeing the tattoo on Rae in this post, Cassidy contacted Rae through me and was given permission to get this owl done. Owl Tattoos FTW! Cassidy's owl was done by Amy Cole from Tigerlilly Tattoo in Portland.

Hoot The Ground Running

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I've been very busy! Now, on to more important stuff, like the above reader submission from Matt, which was done by Tomas Archuleta of Thick As Thieves Tattoo in Denver!

Thursday, 28 May 2009



Buddha Tattoo

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

full back tattoo

Gisele Bundchen full body tattoo

Crazy Full Body Tattoo

Jessica in full body tattoo

Saturday, 23 May 2009


Good Tattoo


Good Tattoo


Good Tattoo

photos and photography by Robin Perine

A mess

Looking for unique Coverup tattoos Tattoos? A  mess

Bee Tattoo

Looking for unique Traditional American tattoos Tattoos? Bee

Traditional American tattoos

Looking for unique Traditional American tattoos Tattoos? Flowers

Tattoo Stages

Here are my last three stages of my tattoo - or should I say my half sleeve. I know what many of you are thinking - "Joe, we knew you were nuts, but this is ridiculous?" Don't worry, this is not the result of a three-day drinking binge or a dare by Shawn, I was contemplating this for a couple years. The tattoo is a koi fish swimming upstream and morphing into a dragon. Look it up if you need more explanation - but it has some shit to do with conquering your trials and tribulations, who knows - I just thought it looked cool. And it has increased my "P" Factor lately. Chicks seem to dig it.

And recently, one girl told me that it makes her want to "Lick me". So if you are thinking about getting a tattoo, the important thing is to do research into the artist, and PAY MORE (good tattoos aren't cheap, and cheap tattoos aren't good). I have one more session to add some more gray. I was upset last week because I didn't like the color but now it is growing on me.

Thursday, 21 May 2009


Photo by Justice Howard


Looking for unique Nature Animal tattoos Tattoos?  Boston Terrier


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Head Tattoo - Suck

What is the deal with this tattoo idea? Who did this tattoo design and why did no one talk him out of this? That skull tattoo on the back of his head is just an ugly tattoo gone bad. Notice how out of center that thing is? Maybe this tattoo artist is just a visionary and his abilities are so amazing that we can not fully grasp the awesomeness of this tattoo? Or maybe I am just being sarcastic and really think that this tattoo sucks balls! I would be willing to bet the farm that this man has “Tattoo Regret” from time to time and may wear a hat allot after children laugh and point and the green brains and 3rd grader’s drawing of a skull. I vote that this tattoo win an award of some kind! Who is with me?

Thursday, 14 May 2009

The Hoot Of All Evil

Michael sent in these pics of another ace black and grey owl

Pat Van Den Hoot

We still have international appeal! Laurens of the Netherlands sent in this awesome black and grey piece.

I Hoot Myself Today

Fellow brit Duke (or Emma!) sent in this fellow, done by Antony Flemming at World of Tattoos, UK.

Hoot Shot JR

Have been a bit lax with recent posts, as a result I have a raft of reader submissions, starting with this owl from Alli, her first tattoo. I say, start as you mean to go on!

Monday, 11 May 2009

The Man Hoot Fell To Earth

The above owl comes courtesy* of TattoosDay. Their full post can be found here.

Well, I stole it. But, still...

Everybody Hoots

Bubo The Owl From Clash Of The Titans. Artist unknown though!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Tiger Hoot

Vicky Morgan

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