Monday, 30 November 2009

Henna Tattoo Design

Henna Tattoo Design Henna Tattoo Design

Henna Tattoo Design Henna Tattoo Design

Henna Tattoo Design
Many people have loved and admired tattoo's over the years, but just couldn't get them to go under the needle. Also as the style guru's say, "Style is good as long as it lasts". Who wants to get stuck with a permanent tattoo once it goes out of style? That is how henna tattoos have emerged as a quick solution to stay in style without the pain.

Initially, henna was only used by woman to create intricate designs on their body to beauty purposes. And it is very famous in the Middle Eastern countries at the beginning stage. Now, henna tattoos are come back into vogue again throughout various countries around the globe. The advantage of this is that you can keep changing your designs and up your style quotient. Furthermore, more and more people searching online to learn how to do henna tattoo.

You might have often wondered who to turn to, to get the perfect henna tattoo. Here is what most guys and gals don't know; henna tattoo can just as easily be done by you. How to do henna tattoos is not a difficult question to answer. You won't need professional henna artists. All you need to do is, follow some simple steps and you are ready to show off your cool new tattoo. Doing the henna tattoo is very simple as long as you follow the important steps.

1) Grab a henna cone from any of the nearest vendors.

Choose your most satisfied body part to place the selected tattoo.

3) If you cannot make a design free hand, use a stencil, which is readily available in the market. Or get someone else to do it if the body part is inaccessible yourself.

4) Now use the cone to repeat the ink design with henna.

Pictures of Tattoo Designs

Pictures of Tattoo Designs
Pictures of Tattoo Designs
Pictures of Tattoo Designs
Pictures of Tattoo Designs

Pictures of Tattoo Designs
of course the best picture all category tattoo is tattoo design in japan or japanese tattoos.
I like tattoo cos is very beautiful in my body

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Tattoo Design Pictures

Tattoo Design PicturesTattoo Design Pictures
Tattoo Design Pictures

Tattoos can be worn by anyone and in any part of the world! It does not matter if you're rich or poor. You don't have to be a celebrity to have the hottest tattoo. A tattoo can be an expression of yourself to the world and your friends. At the end of this article you will find a website that offers a huge tattoo directory. This tattoo directory gives you thousands of choices for the ultimate tattoo! Is a celebrity tattoo design right for you?

upper back tattoo designs

upper back tattoo designs
upper back tattoo designs
upper back tattoo designs
upper back tattoo designs

upper back tattoo designs

The human back makes an ideal canvas for a tattoo artist's needles. If you are considering your first tattoo could do worse than to have it be an upper back tattoo. Why? Upper back tattoos can range from small and simple to large and elaborate, and can stand alone or be the foundations for larger and more elaborate tattoo work if you like the outcome and want to add to it. Upper back tattoos are, more often than not, covered in indoor settings so they won’t be an issue in professional environments.

Friday, 27 November 2009

Old School Tattoo Designs

3 Old-School, Popular Tattoo Design Types
Old School Tattoo Designs
Old School Tattoo Designs
Tattoos are a common thing these days. They are more popular than ever before. Research has shown that nearly 1 in 4 people have at least one tattoo. There are many designs to choose from, giving people a chance to be creative. Below, we will take a look at some of the most popular tattoo designs.

Tribal tattoos are among the most popular designs. They have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years and they are always evolving and becoming more and more complex with their designs and styles. Tribal tattoos can either be the traditional black style that cover the arms and the legs or the more colorful styles that can cover every area of the body. The colorful, more modern look is becoming more and more popular when compared to other styles.

The "old school" styles of tattoos are also popular. Anchors and things like that are making a great comeback these days and not just with sailors. These styles were very common and very popular back in the 60s. They are rapidly gaining their popularity back, as females and males are getting anchors and swallow designs tattooed on them more and more.

Lower back tattoos are the most common for women. The lower back is one of the most sexual and sensual areas on a women, making the ideal spot for a tattoo. Tribal designs are the most popular, although flowers, dragons, and other symbols make great tattoos as well. The lower back offers plenty of natural curves as well, which can make for an innovative tattoo. Often times, women tend to include tribal that spreads, covering the base of their hips as well.

Dragon designs are another popular type style of tattoos. They were popular in the past, and are now starting to get their popularity back. There are a lot of different dragons to choose from, including the mythical dragon and ancient Chinese dragon. Dragons are great on the chest for males and the back for females. Dragon tattoos can be virtually any size, although most males tend to have them cover one side of their chest or the upper region of their arms.

Celtic tattoos
are also popular as well. They are mostly seen with those who have a Celtic heritage, although some with no Celtic heritage have them as well. They offer a variety of symbols and designs, providing universal meanings for everyone. Often times they are mixed with tribal tattoos to create a more innovative tattoo.

There are several other types of tattoos out there, although the above are the most common. Tattoos can be very creative and innovative; it all depends on what you want. If you're looking to stand out and be truly creative - you can always have a professional tattoo artist design one for you.

Old School Tattoo Designs

Thursday, 26 November 2009

New Sexy Body Dragon Tattoo

New Face skull Tattoo

New Sexy Body Tattoo

New Tribal Tattoo

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Military Tattoo Designs

Military Tattoo Designs

Tattoos have a history going back thousands of years, and very possibly tens of thousands. The earliest absolute evidence of tattoos is from the skin of a famous mummy who came to be known as Otzi. Otzi is a mummy who was found trapped in the glacial ice of the Alps in the early 1990s. Originally thought to be someone who died relatively recently, after further examination, he was found to be over 5000 years old. Among the many interesting things scientists learned about Otzi is that he had tattoos still visible on his mummified skin. Rather than the tattoos we expect to see in modern days such as symbols, animals and plantlife, Otzi's tattoos were mostly made of a series of lines. The lines were over areas in his body where the scientists also found evidence of arthritis or other painful conditions, so they believe that his tattoos may have been medicinal rather than ornamental.

Long before Otzi was tattooed in the Bronze Age, there is evidence recovered during archaeological digs of probable tattoo implements as early as the Upper Paleolithic period (38,000 - 10,000 BC). These implements included red ochre, needles, and bone cups stained with ochre. Some figurines discovered from the same time period had designs on their skin, adding more circumstantial evidence to the belief that these very ancient people tattooed their skin.

Moving forward in history, we also know that the ancient Egyptians tattooed themselves. The first tattooed Egyptians were from the Middle Kingdom period (2160-1994 BC). The most famous tattooed Egyptian mummy from that period was a priestess named Amunet, who was discovered in Thebes. Amunet had tattooed lines and dots arranged in ornamental patterns on her chest, back, pelvis and legs. The tattoos on her back and chest were patterns of necklaces, belts and collars that were clearly ornamental. The tattoos over her pelvis were believed to enhance fertility.

In Ancient Rome, most tattoos weren't ornamental in nature, but were used in a much different way. Tattoos were used to track people who might otherwise be able to escape, desert or avoid identification. Slaves, prisoners, gladiators, Christians and mercenaries were all tattooed for these reasons. Soldiers, on the other hand, chose to be tattooed. Military tattoos were considered a great source of pride for the Roman soldier. Soldiers tattooed themselves to indicate their legion or unit and their rank, as well as for commemorative reasons such as for important battles or acts of bravery. The most common places for tattoos among Roman soldiers were on the face and the hands, presumably because the tattoos could be easily seen and their meanings quickly conveyed, but other areas of the body were often tattooed as well.

Members of many other ancient societies also tattooed themselves for various reasons. If you are interested in learning more about the history of tattoos, some other societies who have an interesting tattoo history are the early societies of Great Britain and Western Europe, South America, and Asia and the Pacific Rim.
Military Tattoo Designs

Tribal Chinese dragon Tattoo Art

Hand Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoos

Chinese character name Tattoo

Chinese Name Tattoos

Chinese Letter Tattoos

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Chinese Phoenix Tattoo Full Back Body

Chinese Phoenix Tattoo

Chinese Alphabet Tattoos

Horimitsu tattoo work today

Monday, 23 November 2009

Buddhist Half Sleeve Tattoo


Pheonix Tattoo Style


Sexy Asian Back Tattoo


Sunday, 22 November 2009

Asian Tattoo Arts Festival in Pattaya


Buddha Tattoo Style


Dragon with the swan tattoo


Saturday, 21 November 2009

Dragon Tattoo Full Body


Chinese characters tattoos


New Dragon Tattoo


Friday, 20 November 2009

Maori Tattoo Design

Maori Tattoo DesignMaori Tattoo Design

Maori Tattoo Design
A Maori tattoo design can be absolutely one of the most amazing choices you could pick, but finding the quality artwork on the web can be hard, as you may have noticed. Some people even go as far as giving up on their search, while others even settle for designs they don't 100% like, which no intelligent person should ever do. Well, here is what you need to know about a lot of the generic art that litters the web, as well as how to scoot past it while getting to the good stuff.
Maori Tattoo DesignMaori Tattoo Design
For something as great and detailed as a Maori tattoo design can be, you should never just "settle" on generic artwork because it was all you could find. Many people end up doing this though, which most folks will regret in a matter of time. To avoid all the generic designs on the web, you will want to stay away from your basic search engines for a moment. Things like Google searches and Yahoo searches only lead you straight to the thousands upon thousands of cookie-cutter websites hat have all the same exact artwork. Also, most of the tattoos and content they have is over six years old and plastered on hundreds of other websites throughout the internet. Who knows how many people might already have that Maori tattoo design inked somewhere on their body? That's not something any intelligent person wants on their skin, because most well intentioned people want quality, original designs for themselves, especially when it comes to something as detailed and complicated as a Maori tattoo design.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Asian Tribal Tattoo Design

Tribal extension tattoo

Ganesha Tattoo

Design by Wakdol | Download this template